Sponge Gourd Seeds (गिलके) | Place of Origin: South & Southeast Asia | Farmer: Prakash Patil


Scientific Name: Luffa acutangula

Place of Origin: South & Southeast Asia

Farmer’s Name: Prakash Patil

Germination Rate: 70-80%

Our Sponge Gourd Seeds are an excellent choice for gardeners looking to grow a unique and flavorful vegetable. This fast-growing vine produces tender, sponge-like gourds that are perfect for soaking up delicious sauces and spices. With our high-quality seeds, you can easily grow your own supply of this versatile and nutritious vegetable.

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Scientific Name: Luffa acutangula

Place of Origin: South & Southeast Asia

Farmer’s Name: Prakash Patil

Farmer’s Contact: +91-9766239135

Germination Rate: 70-80%

If you’re looking for a unique vegetable to add to your garden, look no further than sponge gourd seeds. Also known as luffa or loofah, these seeds produce a plant that grows long, cylindrical fruits that can be harvested and used as sponges. Not only are they useful, but they’re also delicious when eaten young. The sponge gourd plant is easy to grow and thrives in warm, humid climates. Plant the seeds in well-draining soil after the last frost, and provide support for the vines to climb. The fruits can be harvested when they are young and tender, or left to mature for use as sponges. They have a mild, slightly sweet flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes. Sponge gourd seeds are a great addition to any vegetable garden. They’re low-maintenance, versatile, and produce a unique crop that can be used in many ways. Whether you want to eat them or use them for cleaning, sponge gourd seeds are a must-try for any gardener. So why not add them to your garden this year and see what you can create with these fascinating seeds?


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